Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Were Back........."Basketball Season"

"Miss Karsen"

Boys took 1st place!

 it has been a long time!! I finally went and bought a new cord so I can download pictures again :) Well Basketball season was very long and BUSY!! Have two children on a traveling team was a little crazy :? But we really enjoyed it. Eric coached Coop's team so that made it a little more easier, So I could get Karsen to were she needed to be. Kourtney gets to start next year.......So it will be REALLY exciting next year :)


Lolli said...

Yeah...I'm so glad you bought that cord. I've missed you!!

Kim said...

Hello!!! I am so glad you are blogging again. I love to see what is new in your world.

Karsen we miss you so much!! I love you a ton.

Aunt Kim