Friday, October 10, 2008


We just wanted to tell everyone who has been praying for us, Thank you so much! I know it has helped tremendously! Even though we are so broken hearted, we know that the Lord is in this ,and even though we do not know why this is happening he does! It is hard because we cannot see the future, but Hallelujah we serve a God who does!! I know he has something great in store for us down the road, He has already blessed me so much with a wonderful husband and four wonderful children, Just please continue to pray for this precious baby girl that I had the privilege to be a part of for the first five days of her life, and that the Lord will have his hand upon her through out her life. Thank you so much, Love the Lucas family


Lynn said...

I have the chills from head to toe and too many tears to count for you right now. Your statement is so true that the Lord is in control and has your plan prepared. We have to serve him with our faith and believe with our hearts that this is the right path. We will continue to pray for your hearts to heal and God's protection over Kalahan all the days of her life :) You are a wonderful family, full of love and you will get through this together!
God Bless, Lynn

Amy said...

You are an AMAZING woman Miss Kara!!!! I have been and will continue to pray for you, your family, and that beautiful little Kalahan!

You are a MUCH stronger woman than I am and will ever be! Your faith in the Lord is wonderful and you are right that He does have a plan as much as it hurts right now.

Keep praying as the rest of us will be too. Snuggle with those three beautiful children that fill your home with smiles and laugher on a daily basis!!! Love, Amy

Lolli said...

Okay...when you called yesterday you mentioned you had posted a thank you but I wasn't prepared for this. I'm like Lynn...typing through tears. I admire your faith more than you know. The past week has really made me look at life differently. (I'm still feeling what Karsen is feeling though. Between us we could probably come up with quite a list of "words".) I won't stop praying for you guys and that sweet baby. Give Eric and the kids a tight hug and squeeze from me.

Stacy said...

Hi, Kara! You and your family have been in my prayers over the past few weeks, and will continue to be. We pray daily for Kalahan. Your faith is an inspiration to all and a blessing to your family. May He continue to give you daily strength, steadfast faith and lead you into the future.

Elaine said...

Hey Kara- I blog hopped from some one else's. Hope you don't mind. Congrats to Jessica. I didn't know if her and Bobby had any children yet? Catch me up on you. Sounds like you are going through a rough time, but your faith is still strong. Elaine (DeWitt) Browning